Hep C Provider Resources
You are the Key to the Cure
Together, we can eliminate Hepatitis C in Louisiana over the next five years. The Elimination Plan coordinated by the Louisiana Department of Health involves a combination of testing and treatment to target the roughly 40,000 people in our state with a probable or confirmed case of Hepatitis C.

How the Plan Works
The subscription model is an innovative drug pricing and payment mechanism to enable Louisiana to dramatically expand access to Hepatitis C treatment within its Medicaid and incarcerated populations. Louisiana selected Asegua Therapeutics, a subsidiary of Gilead Sciences, Inc., as its pharmaceutical partner.
Asegua will provide unrestricted access to the authorized generic for Epclusa for Medicaid eligible and incarcerated Louisianans for 5 years. Our goal is to cure at least 10,000 Medicaid-enrolled and incarcerated individuals per year.
Training & Resources
If you’re a provider of treatment or would like to be a provider, learn more about the LDH initiative here.
Hep C Free LA
The Elimination Plan
Click the button below to download and learn about the plan in more detail.
Prescriber Resources
Take advantage of our provider resources below:
Training Programs
The Hep C Elimination/HHARM (Housing Insecurity, Hepatitis, Addiction, and Stigma Reduction in Medicine) Project ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes) registration is now open!
Well-Ahead Louisiana and the Louisiana Department of Health STI/HIV/Hepatitis Program’s (SHHP) Hep C Elimination ECHO is a monthly virtual learning series to increase the
number of hepatitis C virus (HCV) providers through training and collaboration in urban
and rural communities. The learning model includes a combination of testing and
treatment options used to target Louisianans with probable or confirmed cases of
hepatitis C.
Register here:
Download the flyer for more information.
Learn more about the Hep C Elimination/HHARM ECHO Series Here!
One Hour HCV Webinar
Take our one hour HCV webinar for CME credit to learn about HCV infection, epidemiology, staging and treatment.
Complete this form to register and the webinar link will be emailed to you.
Contact Our Team
If you have questions, please contact our medical team for assistance.